Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My first blog

Hi all - well this is exciting! I am experimenting with using video clips from youtube. I have put up some clips from 3 Days of the Condor, The Conversation, two of my favorite movies, and Bourne Ultimatum. I am interested in analyzing these for my cultural studies class - thinking about how movies portary government surveillance and accountability. I think it interesting that two of the movies fantasize about the check on abuse of power when in reality this is not happening. It is so much fun that I can do this for school!!!! Imagine how much we could get kids writing if they had more opportunity to do this.

I can't wait to see the blogs from our fantastic group of teachers..I also want to add that you guys are real troopers! You absorbed a heck of a lot last class. You are all very courageous

PS Jarg are the initials of my family..Julie aaron ruben and gus


TFKT said...

yo...I keep making posts each day and it gives me the same date of S3eptember 11, 2007. Any idea waht is causing that? Are you having similar issues?

Nan Lujan said...

I agree about getting kids to write more if we gave them opportunities to do it in a way that was engaging like through blogs. They seem to do a lot of conversing through cell phones and IM, it would be great if they could also talk about school related topics in a forum such as this.

Keith McCullough said...

You're right. It is cool to be able to use education, the tools that most people utilize for entertainment. Only in America!

JB said...

creepy... your first blog was on 9/11. freak out!